Getting back on the horse.... uh, tiger

Tiger face in watercolor pencil

Going on a beach vacation is the perfect time to get back to creating art. I am still learning how to work with watercolor pencils, so I started with a photo of a tiger face that spoke to me, and first tried to capture the general look of it without the black accents.  

I think I am a little too controlled with the watercolor pencils, trying to put color EXACTLY HERE, instead of using watercolor as it is meant to be used: let the water create pools of color, depict motion and provide some artistic serendipity. 

Adding the black accents, in particular, was scary, because once you start adding the black, there is no turning back, or saving a mistake. The forehead is a little messy, for instance. By all rights, I should have added a whole ton of black to the bottom right corner where the tiger's body is in shadow, but I couldn't make myself do it. 

But still, I am happy with how this turned out. Below is the photo and the half-finished stage without the black and the whiskers. 
