When we went to Dewey Beach, Delaware in early July, I made a
command decision that I was not going to wear any jewelry unless I made it myself on vacation, and I wanted to use shells and stones that I found on the beach. I also had some copper wire that I found in my father's basement. He was an art teacher, and I assume this spool of wire was leftover from some art project of his.
That copper wire was used on the top pendant at top left (also shown in photo at right). I used some lighter wire I bought on the earrings (which I love and wear all the time) and the pendant below those, which is just too big.
In the photo at right, the top earrings are made from black stones I found on the beach. There are two shell pendants in the center. The bottom pair of earrings were made using pieces of shell I found on the beach, and red beads I picked up in a bead shop in Rehoboth, Delaware last year. At left, I found a couple of white stones in the surf — not quite the same size — twisted wire around them, and added a couple of green pearls I had in my bead bag.
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