Every time I pack up all the Christmas flotsam and jetsam and consign it to the attic, one or two random things get left out of the boxes, to sit forlornly on a table or shelf or window ledge for the long months until their compatriots are once again unloaded from boxes the following year. This is one of those things. As it is lying around, I decided to paint it. Can you name that thing? Or name the painting?
Every time I pack up all the Christmas flotsam and jetsam and consign it to the attic, one or two random things get left out of the boxes, to sit forlornly on a table or shelf or window ledge for the long months until their compatriots are once again unloaded from boxes the following year. This is one of those things. As it is lying around, I decided to paint it. Can you name that thing? Or name the painting?
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