Baby Kangaroo, both One and Two

Baby kangaroo
When I saw this sweet baby kangaroo, I wanted to paint him/her right away. But I really had no idea how to start. What comes first? The colors? The face? The overall shape? I think the result looks like I was hesitant. The strokes are not confident. The top of his head looks like Eddie Munster. I also thought my background was a little blah.
So I tried this one a second time, to see what would be different. I like this one better, but it does look like he is sitting on someone's linoleum kitchen floor instead of a mossy  concrete walkway. The eyes were interesting to do… the shape was so angular, and I had to figure out how to make them look reflective. I am much happier with the nose and shape of the face in the second one. But suffice it to say, I will not be doing composite face-recognition sketches for the police anytime soon.

Baby kangaroo
